Forlorn Legacy Presents... Kil'Jaeden by Aurelius
Class: Paladin | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : US - Windrunner ( Reckoning )
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Movie Summary
On July 14th, 2008, Forlorn Legacy defeated the final encounter in the Sunwell Plateau, Kil'Jaeden! We have spent four months in the Sunwell...and to say this guild has been through a lot is an understatement...from new recruits buying boats and quitting, people "re-evaluating their life", officers stealing sunmotes for their buddies, volleyball tournaments, GM's going casual, cats ranomly catching fire, members getting hacked and transferred off the server, enhancement shaman going "afk a couple...?", racist jokes, alt prot paladins in Sunwell, 6 hour BT clears, constant disconnects, "my bad", rogues who can't figure out how to get on vent, partial T6 priests for KJ, resto druids in crap gear outperforming feral druids, car wrecks, gnome warriors who get stabbed (gg no stoneform), real life feign deaths, resto shaman with less than 30 played days...yeah, it's been one hell of a interesting ride.

Kil'Jaeden is an awesome raid encounter, perfectly tuned and very well designed. Blizzard definately maintained the "epic" feeling you got from fights like Kel'Thuzad or Illidan. Major props to Blizzard for creating THE most challenging raid dungeon ever created, we look forward to all the new challenges coming in Wrath of the Lich King! PS - Hey blizz, we need beta keys! Halp!

This is a multiple perspective video, featuring 3 point of views, Lathander (Resto Druid), Luddy (Warlock) and Aurelius (Holy Paladin). We are happy to present this kill video in 3 different formats, standard definition (840x524), high definition (1680x1050) and the ever so popular streaming version. The high defintion video weighs in at just under 1GB but I assure you it is quite worth the download if you are on a broadband internet connection..
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