Kayosiv and Pestilent: Flawless Victor by Kayosiv
Class: Death Knight | Category: PvP | Server : US - Burning Legion ( Vindication )
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Movie Summary
Kayosiv's Arena Team 1
Pestilent Kayosiv
Similar Setups
This video represents 2 firsts for me, the first time I've made an arena movie, and the first time I've made a movie featuring my Deathknight.

My partner and I decided to film some matches in an attempt to just look at ourselves in retrospect so we could improve our play style, and we ended up going 10-0 that week, and I thought that was a decent enough theme to make a movie around.

This is not our most amazing games, it is just 9 games (2nd match is skipped to due representativeness) all played consecutively over the coarse of 2 nights of arena.

We never have run into a mirror match, plenty of Paladin/Deathknight teams out there, but never a prot paladin teamed up Frost Deathknight.

There is no flashy editing here, the fights are intact, some sped up to keep things more interesting. If you don't like arena movies or healer/dps movies in general, you will just flat out hate this movie.

I apologize for the very large file size, and the quality that just doesn't seem to cut it for how big the movie is. I apparently need to get some help with my rendering in Sony Vegas, because I know that I can render more efficiently.

We end up fighting.

Unholy Death Knight, Restoration Druid
Unholy Death Knight, Restoration Druid (rematch:Not shown)
Discipline Priest, Frost Mage
Protection Paladin, Feral Druid
Unholy Death Knight, Restoration Druid (re-rematch)
Retribution Paladin, Beast Mastery Hunter
Arms Warrior (mace), Restoration Druid
Discipline Priest, Combat Rogue
Restoration Shaman, Combat Rogue
Discipline Priest, Combat Rogue (rematch)

I'm looking for constructive feedback on my play style as well as my partners if you're genuinely experienced with our comp, or just general tips are helpful too.

*EDIT: Wow... I have no idea why this got featured, it is definitely not one of my best works. OH WELL, any publicity is good I suppose.
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