Schwadowpriest by Shweex
Class: Priest | Category: PvP | Server : US - Darkspear ( Cyclone )
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Movie Summary
I've made some videos in the past, but I really think those blows them out of the park. I know that a good majority of shadow priest videos can be sub-par, so I did my best to be sure it was as original and well-thought out as possible. From 3v1s to Ironforge PvP to top rated arenas to mind controls to duels with the server's finest to the obligatory "Darkspear Swifty kill", I really think I've included all the "must haves" of a PvP video.

Arena info:
Currently and for the past 3 weeks, "Bluelazer and Friends" has been ranked 1 on Cyclone 3v3. Our team makeup:
-Lethi, highest rated 2v2, 3v3, and 5v5 balance druid in the world
-Schweex, highest rated 3v3 shadow priest on US servers
-Bluelazer, typical warlock nubcake

Stage 6 sound fixed

Schweex, 70 UD Shadow priest of Darkspear.
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4.65 /5

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Views: 48,927
Daily Views: 7
Rating: 4.65 / 5
Category Rank: 4810
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