Warlords of Draenor News - New 3d Character Models by HeroicField
Class: - | Category: Other | Server : EU - Stormscale ( Cyclone )
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In this video am I going to show you all of the data mined 3D models Wowhead has managed found, and made public. Of the most important NPC's, I give some quick lore on them.
If you want to check them out yourself, you can do so by visiting this link, "http://bit.ly/1jvOSpr".

I apologize for the quality of the Chroma-keyed mobs n' npc's. In fact I tried to Chroma a grayish background, besides that I had to scale the mobs and npc's to about 250%, which makes the PPI of what you're seeing a bit crappy, I'm trying to find another way to import the models into the video.

Wanna ask a question? (answered the most down below, make sure to read it before you go comment):
Q- How many videos would you most likely be uploading for the next couple of months?
A- It depends if you like these kinds of videos, if you do, I'll be most likely to stick to my primarily schedule, and upload even more when the school goes off. If you "Hate" these types of video, I'll be most likely to maybe upload one more or so.
Q- When do you upload your next "Getting better at the arena"?
A- I'm working on it, in between videos, again it's one of those videos which require a lot of work - Don't expect to see the next before after the examinations are over. - (I should start prerecord a couple of episodes when i start a new series)
Q- Go play this or that game
A- Sure just tell me, and I'll figure out how I can make some hopefully entertaining videos from that game.
Q- Do you come with a Hunter PvP guide?
A- Probably someday, right now I'm still in the gearing up/ learning phase - must know my class before I can teach others how to play it as effectively as possible.
Q- Why is it only 720p?
A- I'm now using another recorder, which doesn't take up as much cpu. - But I'm uploading in a higher bitrate, so even though it's 720p, will the video look more crisp than my usual videos. - I'm saving up to a new higher RPM harddrive (maybe even a SSD) so I can record in 1080p again.

Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/heroicfield
Twitch Channel: http://www.twitch.tv/heroicfield
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HeroicField
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Heroicfield
Google+ https://plus.google.com/103060051641291370943/posts
Music: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheInstrumentalCore
Cheap games: https://www.g2a.com/r/heroicfield
Keep in mind I'm not a native English speaker, so don't expect perfect English.
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