Highlights of Wotlk trailer by Draggy
Class: Multiple | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : EU - Doomhammer ( Blackout )
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First trailer of upcoming major release. Downloading highly recommended for better quality. Unfortunately there has been serious problems with Sony Vegas, and this one trailer had to be done and published via WMM. Please note the following; this is not meant to be prof. video, or one of those "top pve" movies. The purpose of the video is to provide our guildies and friends an opporturnity to enjoy the highlights of their raids and gameplay at the end of expansion. Music used: Wotlk soundtrack - Arthas, My Son; Epic Score - More than a man. Feel free to give feedback, or ask something about the vid if you'd like to, but remember to keep criticism constructive.

Best regards
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