Destination Naxxramas by BaronSoosdon
Class: Multiple | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : EU - Twilight's Hammer ( Blackout )
4.45 /5 15 ? ? 300 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary

It's been a while since my last bigger PvE video! Days of the oldschool Naxxramas are numbered, this is how it was before WOTLK.

I wanted to do a PvE vid from TBC and very ironically it's from a pre-TBC instance.

Naxxramas was always the instance I really wanted tosee and I finally got my chance on an organized Twilight's Hammer raid.

What to be expected from the movie: scenes synced to aggressive music, speeded up stuff, Mr Wiggles and some orcish crosdressing.

There's also an easter egg after the end credits!

.:music used:.
"Destination Hades"
by Turmion K�til�t

Venla pt. 2"
by DJ Proteus

"D1B (New World Order remix)"
by D1

.:other PvE movies by me:.
Blackwing Lair: The Last Ride
Raid Together, Die Alone

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