Last Resort Vs. Felmyst by Kerp
Class: Multiple | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : EU - Boulderfist ( Misery )
4.89 /5 60 ? ? 496 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Hi everyone, sorry for the delay. This movie should have been up days ago but I have had so much trouble with the rendering. I more or less had to re-render all the footage, which takes some time with old computer. Once again, a new PoV is added, Dyre (Warlock). As usual, ventrilo is included. Banai (The raid leader) had some problems with his headset that evening but I have done my best to remove most of the noises.
Make sure you don't miss one of the most retarded 1% wipes in the wow history. A kill there would have been a world third!

The fight:
Two phases; one where Felmyst is on the ground and one where he is airborne. When Felmyst is on the ground the raid has to avoid a random debuff that throws a target up in the air and deals arcane damage to anyone close. In the air phase Felmyst spawns skeletons (like Nightbane) and does deep breath attacks (like Onyxia) that covers 1/3 of the area, if a player steps into the gas from the breath they are permantently mindcontrolled. There is also a 10 minute enrage timer.

Points of Views:
- Naturen (Mage)
- Affenkatzen (Shaman)
- Mop (Paladin)
- Dyre (Warlock)

- 30 Seconds to Mars - The Kill
- Rise Against - Injection
- Paul Oakenfold - Zoo York

The last song is an internal guildjoke about a former member, so don't worry too much about it :P
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