Greatest 19 Twink Video TWO by fony
Class: Multiple | Category: PvP | Server : US - Daggerspine ( Cyclone )
4.37 /5 123 ? ? 774 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary

Greatest 19 Twink Video TWO

Another Fony flick for you to enjoy. The last video did quite well, for a twink
video, and I got alot of emails from people wanting to see more PvP. I thought
about it and you know what? I really didnt have alot of PvP that wasnt wizzing
by at 200% speed in the first video, so this time, I deliver.
There are a quite a few segments in this one as there was the last one. Two
new twinks to showcase, Sarufony (19 Mage) and Warfony (29 War). The movie doesnt
have ALOT of deliberate comedy but theres another sprinkled here and there for
you to enjoy.
I am providing two versions of the video, streaming and XL. I didnt provide
anything inbetween because it would severely cripple the quality of the video..
and google does enough of that alone. Also, the rapidshare is there for people
on the friendly side of the earth (thanks nguyen!) It is in segments but it
should download much faster than the filefront one.

For those that missed the first one, or for those that want to download the
newly rendered version of it, it is available here:

Greatest Twink
Video Ever

Also here are a few others that I've uploaded in the past:

Fony & Hodgie
VS. The Barrens

Fony's How to
Deal With Trolls

Now, if you enjoy the movie and want to see more from a specific character..
feel free to leave a comment saying which toon you enjoyed and want to see more
of. I'll try to compile more video from that specific twink and compile another,
much much shorter PvP video.

Here are their CT-profiles:



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