Full Highmaul Video / Raid Gameplay / Holy Paladin PoV (HEROIC) by Cruxal
Class: Paladin | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : US - Tichondrius ( Bloodlust )
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Movie Summary
Hi guys! I'm really excited to share this video! It's the first real quality video that I am uploading, (hopefully the first of many!) and also my first video to introduce my awesome new intro. I really hope you enjoy watching it as much as I had fun making it!

I also want to apologize, as I had forgotten that FRAPS records my mic ALL THE TIME, and not just when I speak on Teamspeak. I had my PC fans going Hercules and realized I had to turn em' down after the first fight. So you will hear a LOT of air/fan noise during that fight, the rest is fine. Again, I'm sorry!

Lastly, as can be seen in the video, I am a Holy Paladin. This is my first time doing Mythic progression. I haven't been a healer in many years and so I suffer! (Haha) I'm trying to improve every week and I am aware of my mistakes :) I'm not shy, scared nor embarrassed by them, as they can only make me better. One of my upcoming videos will be about healing, raid awareness, and some background story about me and how I got into healing this expansion with my current guild. ( Which is great btw )


Kargath: 00:34
Butcher: 03:55
Brackenspore: 07:43
Tectus: 12:39
Twin Ogron: 18:10
Ko'ragh: 23:13
Imperator Mar'gok: 28:18

SUBSCRIBE : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeTH...

TWITTER : https://twitter.com/kryptuss


Music is done by someone named TheRealDanHD and TheRealDanHDx. His music is copyright free but does not seem to be around anymore. I will still link to all his pages and videos:

FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/TheRealDanHD
SOUNDCLOUD : https://soundcloud.com/therealdanhd/b...
YOUTUBE : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWU8...

Thanks for watching guys & gals! :)
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