Has arena become too easy? - Random rants #3 by Ayrasaurus
Class: Shaman | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Outland ( Misery )
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H-hey guys so ye my new video another random rant is out. It's basically me talking about how WoW arena was and how it is now and comparing the skill needed between the two and explaining my opinion on the difference between skill levels needed to compete back in TBC or WOTLK compared to now. The gameplay is just some 2500 3v3 action on my Alt ele (Was pretty poor as it was my first month on that class and i barely played)

Once again if you enjoy this sort of stuff or even if you don't feel free to leave me some feedback and subscribe!
If you're interested in this sort of stuff I'll be uploading more on http://www.youtube.com/ayragames
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