Vulgaer II Feat. Tabi POV by Hemligt
Class: Shaman | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Frostmane ( Misery )
4.64 /5 47 ? ? 469 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Hemligt's Arena Team 1
Tabi Vulgaer
Similar Setups
*shaman & Priest pov pvp*

Hey, some of you know me as Hemligt, some of you know me as Vulgaer, most of you dont know me at all... This movie your about to watch(Have already watched?) is probably the last movie i'll ever make, after 5 years of wow the thing that kept me playing most of the time was ofcourse the guild and the vent buddies, very few of them are still around and the pvp right now simply aint fun enough to spend so much time it takes to keep teams high rated in my opininon.

When i started making this movie the goal was to satisfy those that have watched my previous movies and given constructive input on how to make my movies even better, im not really shure if thats how it ended up but if i overlook the fact that the clips aint flawless play i think the movie is entertaining enough to keep alot of you guys watching through the entire 28(!)minutes.

Part 1: Proper ganking
I made this part a night when i was bored during the week between season 6 and 7, back then i had no idea how i wanted the movie to be but after editing it together i figured it would be a good start.

Part 2: 2v2 Feat Ursus
this was recorded during a one-night session a week after i tried enhancement for the first time and we played together around 2 hours before i started fraps to get this awsome clip, somehow we stayed pretty stable around 2000mmr with that strange setup but i cant really say that it was any fun cause of the tunnelvision style.


Part 3: Hemligt&Tabi II
Me and tabi have talked about making a sequel to:
for a long time, since elemental/priest setup was total bullshit only able to down clueless clickers i decided at the end of season 6 to start gathering enhancement gear for season 7, first we took a 5v5 team up to top 5 as ele after we got 2300 we started playing 10games per week for points.

2months later i had full relentless enhancement gear including tier 2 weapons and respecced instantly, i quickly realized how spirit wolves and rng dependant the spec was but still it felt fresh and was fun until the flaws became more obvious... ANYWAY two weeks later me and tabi went 2200 so i finally could get the arena master epeen title, after that i took a break from arena for a month then came back and recorded this part during a 2night session, you will probably notice that we struggled alot with outdated addons, frapslags and full harddrives.

the part where we are in ironforge and stormwind where recorded last week before we where done with the movie and we added those cause enhancement pvp really aint that fun to watch longer then 5minutes.

Castlecrashers ost-Cave song
Infected mushroom-???
Skream-Dutch Flowers
Skream-The shinein
State of mind-Flashpoint
The company band-Zombie barricades
Shpongle-Invisible man

dont forget to comment the movie and give tabi creds for his awsome offensive play!


*download link added
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